Buy Mediterranean branzino in Peterborough

July 25, 2019

Buy Mediterranean branzino in Peterborough

Thinking of cooking your favorite seafood like Mediterranean branzino? Peterborough Seafood crate provides you with great recipes to make mouth-watering seafood. 

Mediterranean Branzino

Recipe By Seafood Crate

Rich in good fats, nutrients and antioxidants, Mediterranean-inspired foods have long been praised for their health benefits. This whole-roasted Branzino is easy to make and perfect for simple, healthy weeknight meals!


  • 1 branzino (Seafood Crate’s branzino are gutted, skinned, with head and tail off)
  • 1 ½ tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves; minced
  • 2 sprigs of fresh oregano; chopped finely
  • 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary; chopped finely
  • ½ tbsp fresh thyme; chopped finely
  • ½ lemon; sliced thinly
  • Salt & pepper to taste 


  1. Place oven on high broil
  2. Add parchment paper to a sheet pan, and place the branzino onto the sheet
  3. Slice 4 horizontal slits into the branzino (optional)
  4. Drizzle olive oil over both sides of the branzino
  5. Add the garlic, oregano, rosemary, thyme and lemon slices into the cavity of the fish evenly.
  6. Place the sheet pan into the oven for 18-20 minutes
  7. Remove and serve with extra lemons!


Are you living in Peterborough or an area nearby and wish to order Mediterranean branzino? Don't wait! Just call us at 1 844 722 7283 or go to Contact to order a crate of Honestly Fresh seafood!

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